Disclosure Statement TASA 2009

Any practitioner providing Tax Agent Services must be a registered Tax Agent.

We are a registered Tax Agent as required (TA 64117000).

Tax Agent Services are services relating to:

  • Ascertaining or advising about liabilities, obligations or entitlements of entities (our clients) under a taxation law
  • Representing entities in their dealings with the Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) in relation to a taxation law
  • Where it is reasonable to expect the entity will rely on the service to satisfy liabilities or obligations, or to claim entitlements under a taxation law.

Examples of Tax Agent Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Preparation and lodgement of returns, notices, statements, applications or other documents about client liabilities, obligations or entitlements under a taxation law.
  • Preparation and lodgement of an activity statement on behalf of our clients or instructing you which figures to include.
  • Ascertaining the withholding obligations for employees of our clients
  • Providing a payroll service which involves interpreting and applying a taxation law, including reporting of employee payroll information through the use of single touch payroll (STP) enabled software.
  • Providing tax related advice specific to client’s circumstances regarding: PAYG withholding liability, Superannuation Guarantee obligations, fringe benefits tax laws, and termination and redundancy payments.
  • Applying to the Commissioner or the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) for a review of, or instituting an appeal against, a decision on an objection under Part IVC of the TAA. 

The above list is non-exhaustive.

For further information and examples see: https://www.tpb.gov.au/tax-agent-services

We are subject to the Code of Conduct prescribed in the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 and additional determinations.

The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) regulates Registered Agents.

We are also required to adhere to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requirements in our interactions with their Online Services and use of other relevant software.

We advise as follows:

I / We advise that to the best of our knowledge and based on all information known to us, we:

  • Have not committed a prior material breach of the Act or instruments made under the Act.
  • Are not being investigated by the Board on any matter.
  • Are not subject to any sanctions imposed by the Board.
  • Do not have any conditions applying to our registration.
  • Have not been disqualified from providing services.
  • Do not have as employees nor engage with others who have been disqualified from providing services.
  • Have appropriate and required processes and systems of supervision and quality control of all work performed on our behalf.
  • Have not had any charge or conviction relating to an offence relating to fraud or dishonesty.
  • Have not had any imposition of a promoter penalty under the tax law; or
  • Had any charge or conviction relating to a tax offence.

We are not aware of any matter that we have not otherwise discussed or presented to you that would significantly influence your decision to engage or continue to engage our services.  If there is anything you would like to discuss, please contact us.

Register of Tax Agents and BAS Agents

The Board maintains a public register of Tax Agents and BAS Agents.

The register contains registration details of registered, suspended and deregistered Tax and BAS agents.

The register is available at https://www.tpb.gov.au/public-register

Guidance on how to use the Register is available at https://www.tpb.gov.au/help-using-tpb-register


We note that we hope that any concerns you may have with our service are able to be discussed with us first to ensure we are able to respond to any misunderstanding or any performance issues.

Complaints about the services you receive can be made directly to the Board.

The Board’s complaints process is explained, and the online form available at https://www.tpb.gov.au/complaints

This information is required to be provided by TASA2009 Sn 45(2) and is required when an entity is considering engaging or re-engaging a registered Tax Agent or upon request. 

This information is true and correct at the time of making this statement.  Any change to this information must be updated within 30 days of us becoming aware of any change matter.

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